Hotels in Schenna near Merano in South Tyrol

4 Stars Hotels in Schenna

Wine hotel "Der Weinmesser" ****S


"Passion for wine & nature"

Fam. Kohlgruber
Via Scenae 41, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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Hotel Lagrein ****


Fam. Waldner
Schennastraße 54, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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Hotel Starkenberg ****


Fam. Mair
Verdinserstrasse 10, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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3 Stars Superior Hotels in Schenna

Familienalm Taser ***S


Fam. Gamper
Schennaberg 25, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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Astor Hotel ***S

Hotel Astor in Schenna near Merano

Fam. Conte
Schennastraße 47, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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The Hotel Astor is located in Schenna on the brink of orchards at a sunny slope. The modern cosy ambiance, the regional sophisticated cuisine and the beautiful mountain panorama of Merano make this family-led hotel a place to feel comfortable.

3 Stars Hotels in Schenna

Hotel Gruberhof ***


Fam. Almberger
Oberverdinserstr. 49, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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Hotel & wine-growing estate Innerleiterhof ***


Fam. Egger
Leiterweg 8, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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2 Stars Hotels in Schenna

Pension Hasenegg **


Fam. Hertscheg
Schennaberg 29B, 39017 Schenna, South Tyrol / Italy


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Select several hotels or accommodations in Merano and around Merano and send your booking request to each of these hotels at once.

Holidays in Schenna

Schenna is located at the slopes of the Ifinger (2.581 m), which is part of the Sarntaler Alps. It is situated at the entrance to the Passeier Valley north-easterly of Merano. From there you have an magnificient view over Merano, in the Passeier Valley, in the Etsch Valley and in the Vinschgau.

In Schenna one can find many historical buildings from the middle age, which is common within the Meranerland: There are Schenna Castle, the old parish church, S. Martin's church and S. George's church, just to mention a few.

The cable cars Verdins - Tall and Taser lead from Schenna to the hiking areas of the Sarntaler Alps and also the ascending systems to the skiing area Meran 2000 are within reach from Schenna.

Events in Merano

Concerts, festivals, exhibitions or horse races - There is always something going on in Merano!