Climate of Merano: similar to the Mediterranean

The climate of Merano and the Meraner Land

Flower arrangement at the gardening show Meranflora in Merano

Merano is well known for its mild climate. The picture shows a flower arrangement at the garden show Meranflora in Merano.

The climate in South Tyrol varies according to the conditions of the ground.

The mountain valleys are dominated by alpine climate with much snow.

Valleys which open to the South, as for example the valleys of Etsch and Eisack, list average European temperatures. The climate in these valleys is milder and more Mediterranean, because the mountains protect them against the cold north wind.

The winters in the southern valleys are mostly milder and the summers much warmer than in villages which are situated further north.

Average Temperatures in South Tyrol

In the north (Sterzing, 948 m), the mean annual temperature is about 6°C, and in the Pustertal (Puster Valley - Bruneck, 835 m) 6.3°C, but it tends to get lower towards the east (Innichen, 4.7°C). The west of the country, Vinschgau, is the area with the least rainfall in the eastern Alps.

While alpine climate prevails in the highlands, the climate of the lowlands is more Mediterranean. Schlanders has an annual average of 9°C, Merano 11.5°C and Bozen 11.7°C.

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Meraner Höhenweg

The Meraner Höhenweg is one of the most beautiful hiking trails of the alps. The full hike leads around the Texelgroup near Meran and takes several days to walk.